Before you review any results, be sure to get them under 80 in order to have the most relevant results. Try one or more of the ideas below:
- The main way to narrow is to add more facets. If you only search for "Eating disorders", that will be too broad. Add treatments, populations, etc. to your search.
- If you aren't sure how you want to narrow your topic, you can add filters to your search. The filters available depend on which EBSCOhost database you are using. You can add filters to your search by clicking on "Filters" under the search box once you have run your search.
- This will bring up a sidebar menu with filter options. Filter options often include Peer Review, Publication Type (journal, magazine, book, dissertations, etc.), Language, or Methodology (literature review, qualitative, quantitative, etc.). Some subject specific databases include relavent filters like population filters in APA PsycInfo, and industry filters in Business Source Premium.
- Choose the filters you want to use and select "Apply". The more filters you add, the less results you will get.