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Adler University Library Policies: Borrowing

Adler University Library's policies on: borrowing (including fines/fees, recalls & holds), eResources usage, interlibrary loan, course reserves, copyright compliance, donations/gifts

Contact us

Harold & Birdie Mosak Library - Chicago
17 North Dearborn, 15th floor
Chicago, IL 60602
Phone: 312-662-4230

Adler University Library - Online

Adler University Learning Commons - Vancouver
520 Seymour Str., 3rd floor

Vancouver, BC

V6B 3J5

Phone: 236-521-2405

General information

Borrowing privileges are extended to the following groups of individuals affiliated with the Adler University:

  • Active students in good standing
  • Currently employed Adler University staff and faculty
  • Registered alumni who present an Alumni Association Card
  • I-Share consortial patrons in good standing at their home libraries

All patrons are asked to honor due dates, recall notices, and circulation restrictions. Local patrons who will be away for an extended leave are asked to return materials before departure.

Patrons are responsible for materials charged out under their name. In the event that a patron gives an item to a fellow patron to use or return, the original patron is still liable for any overdue fines or replacement fees.

The Libraries reserve the right to suspend the borrowing privileges of any patron failing to comply with stated Library policies. The Libraries will make all reasonable efforts to provide advance warning to the borrower in these cases, and privileges will be reinstated upon correction of the policy infraction.

In accordance with the Code of Ethics of the American Library Association, the Libraries will “protect each library user’s right to privacy and confidentiality with respect to information sought or received and resources consulted, borrowed, acquired or transmitted.” The Libraries do not maintain historical circulation records, and will not divulge current circulation information or other patron data to anyone other than the patron in question for any reason.