There is a NEW way to link to articles in EBSCO databases!
To link to articles in EBSCO databases (Academic Search Complete, APA PsycInfo, Business Source Premier, and others), follow these steps:
ProQuest databases (ProQuest Psychology Journals, Criminal Justice Database, GenderWatch, and others) call permalinks Document URLs.
1. Click on Abstract/Details
2. Scroll down the Indexing details, cut and paste the document url.
OVID databases (APA PsycInfo, Mental Measurements Yearbook, and others) call permalinks Jumpstart URLs.
1. Select Email Jumpstart, then cut and paste the Jumpstart URL.
If the site does not provide a permalink, you'll need to find the URL of the article and add the OpenAthens info at the beginning of the link. Below is an example of doing this in Sage, but each journal's site can be a bit different. Email the library if you have any questions!
1. Right click on the PDF of the article you would like to use and select Copy Link Address.
2. Paste that url into your document.
3. Now paste the Adler University proxy url ( ) in front of the SAGE url.