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Research Appointments: Home

Chicago Campus

Use the link above to make an appointment to meet with the Instruction Librarian about your topic, finding/evaluating sources (databases, etc.), managing citations (RefWorks, etc.), and organizing your search process.

You can also email the library with questions and we can send screenshots and links to library tutorials.

Online Campus

Make an appointment to meet via Teams with Dorinne for help with:

  • Topic: Choosing or refining your research idea
  • Research:  Locating articles on a topic using the library's databases
  • Citations: Managing your sources and keeping your research organized

You can also Email your Online Campus Librarian, Dorinne, for assistance with basic questions and I can share with you helpful screenshots and links to tutorials.

Vancouver Campus

Email the Vancouver Campus Library Staff for assistance, or make an appointment with the librarian using the link above. Get help with:

  • Topic: Choosing and refining research questions
  • Research: Keyword selection and navigating databases
  • Citation: Managing your references, finding full-text, MS word integration