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EBSCOhost Databases: Searching in EBSCOhost

Tips on using EBSCOhost databases: which databases Adler University has through EBSCOhost, how to search in this platform


  • Each EBSCOhost database has a similar interface
  • But, they use different subject headings and their thesauri will have different names ("Subject Terms" (SocIndex), "Thesaurus" (SPORTDiscus), "MeSH" (Medline)).
  • Watch the video below for an overview of using a thesaurus in an EBSCOhost database.

EBSCOhost databases

Adler Library subscribes to several databases through EBSCOhost. Thus, while each database has a different focus, the interface will look relatively similar. 

We encourage you to search them separately, to focus on the databases which cover your topic best. However, it is possible to search across these databases simultaneously. First, enter any one of the EBSCOhost databases. Next, click "Choose Databases".


Select all appropriate databases. To learn more about the focus of each database, hover over the info box.