How many references should I include in my literature review???
It depends!
A chapter two literature review in a dissertation usually contains over 100 references. Whereas, a literature review as a course assignment usually contains considerably fewer references.
Tracing the scholarly conversation about a topic is one strategy to ensure that a literature review is thorough. Use the bibliography at the end of articles to follow the scholarly conversation backward in time and use Google Scholar's "cited by" feature to trace the newer ways that researchers are exploring the topic.
Look at all the research you've collected so far and evaluate each source for their credibility.
Reading at this critical level will help you decide whether a publication should or should not be included in your literature review. Your goal is to isolate or identify key themes or issues related to your own research interests.
Author credentials
Take some time to examine how the contributors are affiliated.
Relevance and Scope
Make sure the publications you include in your literature review are relevant and within the scope of your topic, in terms of theoretical argument, research methodology, timeframe, and currency.
How well is the study designed? Do you see any room for improvement? Do similar studies come to the same conclusion? Have the authors explored the topic from different points of view, or do they rely on a more one-sided argument?
Source: University of the Fraser Valley LibGuide, Writing a Literature Review