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**REMEMBER: No library database contains ALL the articles on a topic. So, it's important to search in more than one database.
Additional recommended library databases by specialty area are listed below.
Do you prefer searching Google Scholar's one search box?
Have you ever found a great article in Google Scholar but then realized you would have to pay to read it?
Link Google Scholar to Adler's article databases and you can have the search box you like without having to pay for articles.
Here's how:
1. Go to Google Scholar
2. Sign in to your Google account
3. Click the "three bars" and go to "Settings"
4. Select "Library Links" and type "Adler University"; then check the boxes for Open WorldCat (for book searches) and Full Text @ Adler U. for articles.
5. Now when you search Google Scholar you will see if an article is available in at Adler Library right on your search result screen. Click on Full Text @ Adler, log in with your library username and password, and you will be brought to the article in an Adler database.
This is a short, select list of journals related to the Applied Psychology Programs. For additional recommended journal titles, contact your librarian.