If you're assigned to read a book or a chapter, search by book title in the Library Catalog.
If the item is an e-book, you'll see an option "Available Online". Click that to access the e-book.
Note: you do not need to "sign in" using the yellow banner at this point.
On the next page, click the link under Full text availability:
Depending on the publisher, you might
If the item is a physical book, you'll see the physical location.
In the case of the DSM-5, you have to click "See all versions" to see where it is located since we have it both electronically and physically.
On the next page, you can see one version is available online and it is also available in Chicago, on Reserves. For more information about each campus' physical reserves, see the tabs above.
NOTE: if the book is physical, you cannot access it by clicking the hyperlink "Chicago campus reserves". You must come into the library.