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Online Course Design and the Library

Find E-books in the Library Catalog

white search box used to search the library catalog

Type your topic into the search box & press Enter.
Next, limit your results to "Available online" and "Books" (under Resource Type).
Be sure to click Apply Filters.



Find Course Materials at Adler Library

Providing all online learners with equitable access to course materials is essential.

  • When selecting required course materials, use library materials (e.g. ebooks, journal articles, and videos) and openly-licensed textbooks / educational resources. 
  • Instructions for finding library materials for a course are described in the boxes below.
  • Ask the librarian for assistance locating high-quality, freely-available online course materials (e.g. Open Educational Resources--OER)

Adding Library Ebooks to a Course

Adler University Library provides access to a vast number of ebook titles that can be used as course materials.
Be sure to use the permalink for the ebook title (and not the url in the browser)
Search in the collections below for ebooks on a course topic:

Adding Library Journal Articles to a Course

STEP 1:  Check if Adler Library has access to the journal article by following these steps.

STEP 2: If Adler Library has the full text of the article, use the PERMALINK in Canvas.  NOTE: It is essential that you use the Permalink because using the URL in the browser box will not work.

STEP 3:  If Adler Library does not have the full text of the article,

Adding Library Videos to a Course

If you're looking for a video on a particular topic, in addition to checking the catalog, please also check the video databases below: