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Copyright Information for Thesis and Dissertation Publication (Canada): Maps


If you create a map using a cartography program you will not need permission to publish it in your thesis. However, if you adapt or use a map that someone else created, it will require copyright permission. If you purchase a map or aerial photograph for your thesis make sure that the purchase agreement is for commercial use of the image. Maps that belong to a sponsoring organization still require copyright permission.

Maps from Google Maps and Google Earth do not require copyright permission as long as you obey their stipulations regarding attribution and use. You should carefully review their copyright website if you are considering using their maps in your thesis.

Visit Google's "Using Maps in Print" to read about what you need know before using maps in print.

Your Map must include Google’s copyright attribution for the map you are using. Please make sure you read and understand the stipulations outlined on Google's attribution page.

The Map Data information must be legible in the image, or included in the figure description.