FEEDBACK: Students asked for more outlets in the library.
ACTION: The Library is working with facilities to see if this is feasible for facilities to add over the summer in time for Fall 2024.
FEEDBACK: The library should allow all students to borrow psychological testing materials, and acquire more variety of tests.
RESPONSE: Policies, what materials are acquired, and cost come from the Psychology Department (PsyD), not from the Library. The Library stores these materials for them. All questions should be directed to the PsyD Department.
FEEDBACK: The library should have more print books
RESPONSE: Given the three campuses, priority is made for e-books so that all three campuses can share the same book. This also affords better access for all as the books can be accessed off campus.
FEEDBACK: The library should have non-school related books
RESPONSE: Public libraries are an excellent source of non-school related books. Adler library's focus is on your academic education and on the University's curriculum.
FEEDBACK: Students expressed interest in events in the library such as onsite workshops or book clubs.
RESPONSE: The Library will continue to host and take part in events both in and outside the library. Students are welcome to suggest events they would like to see. Often, registration is very limited for workshops, so these are often held in classroom settings, or by individual appointment instead.
FEEDBACK: Students requested more desk seating versus coffee tables, and to divide the larger table
FEEDBACK: Students asked for more private study areas
RESPONSE: The library is working with facilities to acquire removable dividers for the large table, so students can choose to work in a group or individually.
FEEDBACK: Many students noted confusion surrounding the library's noise policy.
ACTION: The Learning Commons is a quiet, but not silent, study space. We ask that you are respectful of your peers. If you are looking for silent study space, the 5th floor is designated as such.
FEEDBACK: The library should have all books used in classes on reserve.
RESPONSE: The library learns of which books will be used each semester when faculty submit their booklist. If we receive the list of books from the faculty in time to order them for the semester, we do, unless it is an undergraduate textbook. If faculty do not submit their booklists, we have no way of knowing what appears on their syllabi.
FEEDBACK: Students wanted access to more copies of books placed on reserve.
RESPONSE: The bookstore is separate from the library, and should have enough copies of each book for each student. The role of reserves in the library is not to provide a copy for each students. Rather they serve to augment what students might purchase for themselves.
However, when a required book is available as an unlimited access e-book we may be able to purchase it in that format, effectively providing a copy for each student. To determine if your book is available in this format, please review this information or contact the library on your campus: