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PsyD - Vancouver: Finding Tests and Measures

Finding Tests and Measures

Finding tests and measures is a difficult task for several reasons:

  • Many tests are commercially owned, and require paying fees to view/administer their tests.
  • Some tests are published in journal articles, containing the full text of the test.
  • Other tests are discussed in journal articles, but not discoverable without contacting the author.

REMEMBER: Finding the full text of the test does NOT necessarily give you permission to administer it!

Finding Full Text of Tests

If you know which test you are looking for, Google is a good place to start looking for the full text. If you trying to find a test on a subject, try using APA PsycTests first.

After trying APA PsycTests, Dissertations, and Google, if you cannot find the full text of the test, you might need to contact the author.

Finding Information about a Test

If you don't need to administer the test, or are looking for infomation and reviews of commercially available tests, these are places where you can find reputable and critical reviews, and test descriptions.

Check out our guide to learn how to search for tests and measures:

Permission to Administer

Use PsycTest to find the permissions needed to administer the test.

Test description from PsycTests highlighting permissions Test description from PsycTests highlighting permissions