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Faculty - Vancouver: Books on Your Syllabi: Reserves

Library catalog

Adler University Library provides access to print & e-books through our Catalogue. For more information, please see the Library Guide on our catalogue:

What are reserves?

The reserves shelves are located behind the library circulation desk. They consist of:

  • Books on your syllabi each semester
  • Books in reference (e.g. DSM-5-TR and APA Publication Manual)

The reserves books are arranged by call number and can be checked out for 24 hours at a time. We charge $2/hr in fines for any reserve books returned late.

Reserves process

To ensure books are on reserves each semester, please contact the librarian at with the list of titles you are planning on teaching. 

The library cannot add any books to reserves (personal copies or library books) if we are notified later than 1 week prior to the semester start.

Per our collection policy, we are unable to purchase textbooks as course reserves.

The library prioritizes electronic formats. When the books are available as library-format e-books, we will purchase them. Unfortunately, some titles are only published in print, or published electronically but not in a format that the Library can host (such as Kindle editions). When this is the case, we will purchase the print and make it available for borrowing by students on short-term loan.



Course books on reserves

Why is my book not on reserves?

  • We place books on reserve based on the list you send to the program assistants. Reserves are rotated each semester so we do need the updates each semester.
  • If a patron already had the book checked out, we do recall the book if it is needed for reserves, but cannot guarantee how quickly a patron will return the book.
  • If the library does not already own the book, we will try to order it. We cannot guarantee how quickly it will arrive.
  • If the book is out of print, we may not be able to order it.
  • If the book is an undergraduate textbook, it is against our collection policy to order it.

My book is not on reserves - what can I do?

  • If a book was not included in the list you sent to the program assistants, please email the librarian directly by at least a week before classes start, & let us know which books you will be teaching.
  • Add your personal copy of a book to reserves. Simply write your name in the book and bring it to the library. We will temporarily add it to reserves (your book will not be permanently marked in any way), and we will regulate its use as we do with the library books. Please collect your book(s) at any time before the semester ends.