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Faculty - Vancouver: Information Literacy & Reference

Library instruction sessions

The Association of College & Research Libraries defines information literacy as " the set of integrated abilities encompassing the reflective discovery of information, the understanding of how information is produced and valued, and the use of information in creating new knowledge and participating ethically in communities of learning" (ACRL, 2015). In the context of academic libraries, information literacy involves a lot of the skills required to do research, however, it goes beyond just the skill, and encompasses critical thinking about the information we consume, cite, and share.

The Vancouver Learning Commons offers a number of services to help your students improve their information literacy skills including.

  • Information literacy in-class instruction
  • One-on-one reference sessions
  • Online research guides

Library Instruction sessions

Information literacy instruction is provided by the librarian at key points in students journey at Adler.

  • Orientation
    • Students learn the basics of library research at Adler, including different types of literature, and an introduction to bibliographic databases.
  • First term
    • Students learn topic development strategies, and evaluating sources
  • Research Methods classes
    • Students learn advanced searches in databases, including keyword generation and subject headings
  • Dissertation/Thesis/Capstone Prep classes
    • Students learn search strategies for literature reviews, positionality, and citation management

Students often need a refresher, more course-specific research help, and/or more advanced information literacy help. Instruction can be developed specific to course assignments, or more broadly.

If you are interested in the Vancouver Librarian teaching in your class, please reach out at least 2 weeks prior to your intended presentation date.



Reference sessions

Students and faculty are encouraged to schedule one-on-one appointments with a librarian for research help. Meetings are in-person or conducted via Teams, and students and faculty are encouraged to bring in their own laptops. These appointments provide personal help in conceptualizing and narrowing their topic, finding useful key terms, and applying database search skills to their particular topic. Book an appointment here

Online research guides

Below are links to some of the library guides that might be helpful resources for your students. Please feel free to share them with your students throughout the course.

Program Guides:

General Research Guides: