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Grad Assistant Training - Chicago Campus: Books on Your Syllabi: Reserves

Learn about the mission/values of the library, as well as how to create permanent links to articles

Faculty Orientation: Meet the Librarians

Faculty Orientation: Find Help & Use Library Accounts

Note: The librarians are now back to working on campus so the library is staffed in person, or you can connect with us via Teams. We no longer staff the Library Zoom drop-in, but the rest of the video is still accurate.

Faculty Orientation: Your Syllabi

NOTE: since we're now on campus, we still prefer to buy ebooks when available, but will buy physical books if the ebook is not available for an institutional license.

Faculty Orientation: Information Literacy Instruction

We're here to help you

Stop by, chat from the library homepage, or email us for help with navigating the library website, finding a book, using RefWorks, etc.

Make a research appointment for help refining your topic, finding articles, managing your sources, organizing your lit review.


This guide was created by Frances Brady for Adler University.