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Ebrary - Ebook Library: Android app

Find ebooks on different subject areas.

Android App Overview

Available on following OS/devices:

Éclair (2.1)
Froyo (2.2)
Gingerbread (2.3.x) : most prevalent : phones and tablets
Honeycomb (3.x): tablets only
Ice Cream Sandwich (4.x)
Available on Google Play and in the Amazon Appstore for Android

Android App Functionality

Online and offline reading

Seamless downloading of full titles – no 3rd party app required

Simple and advanced search

Multiple navigation controls

Table of contents with relevancy rankings

Early check-in of ebrary e-books

Copy and paste with automatic citation for offline documents

User configurable download size warnings

Import and use PDF documents within the app – not DASH!

Sign in with Facebook username and password (optional)

Interface available in English and Spanish

Android App: Simple and Advanced Search

Android App Full Title Downloads