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Assessment - Tests, Measures, and Kits: Find Reviews: APA PsycInfo

Learn how to find: measures on a given topic; a particular assessment; reliability and validity studies, and what test kits are available through the Library.


If you are unable to find reliability and validity information on a measure through neither Mental Measurements Yearbook nor APA PsycTests, use APA PsycInfo, which might contain articles, which review the test/measure.

APA PsycInfo

Find article reviews of measures and articles which administered particular measures.

Find reviews of tests in APA PsycInfo

1. Search for the assessment name.

Image of: wisc-iv in keyboard bar of PsychINFO.

Image of: Results of keyword input.

2. Then search for Reliability.

Image of: Reliability in keyword search bar.

Choose test reliability.

Image of: Check box for Test Reliability search result.

3. Combine the two sets with "And".

Check all boxes you with to include in your search and click AND to combine into search.

4. Repeat for Validity by searching for "test validity" and combining with the assessment.