Syllabus policies state faculty expectations and can set a welcoming tone for a course. Disabilities and religious accommodations policies listed below make it clear to students that diversity of various kinds is welcome and will be respected. The academic honesty policy clarifies North American expectations for scholarly documentation, and this transparency can be useful for students from other parts of the world and those who may be the first in their families to go to university or graduate school.
Dr. Kim Case' Syllabus Challenge provides a comprehensive way to review one's syllabus for equity and inclusion.
Students with Disabilities
It is the policy of Adler University to offer reasonable accommodations to students with qualified disabilities, in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the B.C. Human Rights Code. If a student with a disability wishes to receive accommodations in order to participate in the courses, programs, or activities offered by the University, the student may request accommodations by contacting . The use of these services is voluntary and confidential. Students must request accommodation prior to the implementation of needed accommodation. Accommodations cannot be applied retroactively.
Diversity Statement
In this class I will work to promote an anti-discriminatory environment where everyone feels safe and welcome. I recognize that discrimination can be direct or indirect and take place at both institutional and personal levels. I believe that such discrimination inhibits learning, is unacceptable, and I am committed to providing equality of opportunity for all by preventing discrimination, harassment, or bullying. The success of this policy relies on the support and understanding of everyone in this class. We all have a responsibility not to be offensive to each other, or to participate in, or condone harassment or discrimination of any kind.
I hope you will communicate with me if you experience exclusion, harassment, or bullying in this course. You can also report any incidents you may witness or experience on campus by submitting an Adler complaint form and the appropriate, responsive party will be contacted.
This university is committed to inclusion I concur with this commitment and also believe that we have the highest quality interactions and can creatively solve more problems when we recognize and share our diversity. I thus expect to maintain a productive learning environment based on open communication, mutual respect, and non-discrimination. I view the diversity that students bring to this class as a resource, strength and benefit. It is my intent to present materials and activities that are respectful of diversity: gender, sexuality, disability, generational status, socioeconomic status, ethnicity, race, religious background, and immigration status. Any suggestions for promoting a positive and open environment will be appreciated and given serious consideration. Please let me know your preferred name and pronouns.
If there are circumstances that make our learning environment and activities difficult, please let me know. I promise to maintain the confidentiality of these discussions. If you need accommodations due to a disability, you must contact Disability Services and return to me with a formal letter and arrangement from that office.
Religious Accommodations
The observance of religious holidays (activities observed by a religious group of which a student is a member) and cultural practices are an important reflection of diversity. As your instructor, I am committed to providing equivalent educational opportunities to students of all belief systems. At the beginning of the semester, you should review the course requirements to identify foreseeable conflicts with assignments, exams, or other required attendance. If at all possible, please contact me within the first two weeks of the first class meeting to allow time for us to discuss and make fair and reasonable adjustments to the schedule and/or tasks. Our religious attendance policy is attached here.
Academic Honesty
Adler University seeks to establish a climate of honesty and integrity. Any work submitted by a student must represent original work produced by that student. Any source used by a student must be documented through required scholarly references and citations, and the extent to which any sources have been used must be apparent to the reader. The University further considers resubmission of work done partially or entirely by another, as well as resubmission of work done by a student in a previous course or for a different professor, to be academic dishonesty. It is the student’s responsibility to seek clarification from the course instructor about how much help may be received in completing an assignment, examination, or project and what sources may be used. Students found guilty of academic dishonesty or plagiarism shall be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal from the University.